Friday, December 03, 2010

Departing Tonight for Belgium

Knowing that I was flying to Europe in December I expected to have bad weather of course. I just figured it would be here in the Boston area. Instead the bad weather has been all over Europe for the past few days and many airports are closed and tons of flights are delayed or canceled. I am flying KLM to Amsterdam then on to Brussels. As it currently looks I should be able to make it through but I am not going to hold my breath on getting there without delays. I would like it of course but I just can't think it'll work my way.  In any event a lot of Europe has been getting snow and we really haven't yet seen any here. I am sure the major storms in the Boston area will be in time for my return here.

I am glad in some respects I scheduled the flight this early. If there are delays I will probably not have to rush too terribly to do what I have to do there. I am teaching a 2 week long course in our Hologic Europe facility. I will have the weekend in between free and I will have some of Saturday and some of Sunday this weekend also to check out Brussels. I will be visiting the office on Sunday so I can see the lay of the land before I have to teach there and also make sure everything is in order. I do not remotely equate this trip to a vacation. It will be work with a couple spare days. Hopefully all goes well.

I won't be blogging the full blow by blow but I suspect I will mention where I ate and such when the day is over.

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