Monday, June 02, 2014

APAC Training Trip 2014 Day 10 - Japan Day 10

I had to wake up earlier than normal in order to go through some material that I typically do not teach which is the information provided by our applications specialists.  I had looked at it before and I wanted one last refresher.  After getting through the material and getting cleaned up I met Han at the lobby at 7:30 and we traveled to the office and started the class as normal on time. I provided the applications training in the morning before lunch. This was very much all lecture and almost no lab.  We ran long even before lunch. Watanabe-san even though we rushed off to lunch and Han and I ate at the cafeteria on our own. I had what I think was a Chinese dish with vegetables and a small amount of beef and some rice. There was definitely okra in the vegetables.  It was decent food, maybe the best I have had at their cafeteria.  After lunch we started the connectivity training which we did in the lab area so I could work with a live system. I hooked up my computer by patch cable to a system and we projected it on the screen.  The lecture part took us to past 4pm and we managed to fit in the lab time except for some small technical issues.  We left at about 5:20.  On the ride back we swapped from the local we were on to the express at Yashio which allowed us to skip 2 stops and probably save about 4 minutes.

Daniela had just gotten back and showered after a day of running around for travel agencies.  I was exhausted and so was she so we decided to just eat in the hotel restaurant Itanova.  I had a pizza with prosciutto and mushrooms and Daniela had a chicken breast with balsamic. She was still hungry because she said she didn't have any lunch so we spent a few minutes visiting the Don Quixote Asakusa store near the hotel.  We were amazed because the apparently sold anything and everything. They even had a naughty section.  We then went to Denny's where she had a noodle soup and I had a pancake style ice cream dessert with Coco Puffs on it.  The menu had pictures but was only in Japanese and the items were really Japanese style and not western. She apparently ordered a cold salad of noodles and was surprised by that. Fortunately the waiter took it back and heated it up for her and she ate what she wanted.

After dinner we went back to the room. Daniela started working for some passengers so I watched the most recent episode of Game of Thrones which I had downloaded then I went to sleep while she continued to work for some time longer.

The pictures from Japan day 10 can be seen here.

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