Sunday, March 28, 2010

Japan 2010 Day 1 Addendum

I forgot to mention that Brien damaged his finger on the suitcase he is borrowing from his niece when we were loading onto the Narita Express. Apparently there was a metal hook on the bottom of the case he didn't see and he got caught in it while trying to throw it into the luggage area of the train. He nearly tore the fingernail off and probably bruised himself terribly past the last knuckle. There was not significant swelling but things looked purple. I assume nothing is broken because it would have been worse looking I think but he will probably have pain from it for the first week of the trip. On a side note the woman sitting next to him on the train gave him a band aid when she saw the wound, which was really nice. I'm figuring we'll be bringing Brien home in various boxes and bags by the time the trip is over if this keeps up.


Cher- said...
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Cher- said...

Please tell Bri, I'm sorry! If I knew the luggage was dangerous, I would have warned him. And thanks for the blog, I'll ask Brien about the trip and he'll say..."It was good, I ate some steak. Tom ate poisonous puffer fish, but we are all still alive". Really Bri you were in Japan for two weeks and I get a description of 18 words.

Have fun, be safe

Mond said...

While you are there Brien can be upgraded with bionic parts or even better some super secret organization can upgrade him to be there latest weapon
Super Sentai Brian Go :)