Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Camera Update & More

No, I didn't buy a new camera, but I did buy a larger sized memory card. I moved up in the world from 1gb to 8gb. I am hoping it will allow me to catch some nice videos along with the same huge number of pictures I generally take. I figure that, yes, carrying a camera around screams tourist but, heck that is actually what I am anyway so I might as well play the part.

There is chance that George and his friend Jesper who used to work at his company (and indeed helped facilitate George's move to Denmark) could be visiting me up in Stockholm on my Friday and Saturday there. Nothing is set in stone yet but I hope they can pull it off. It would be good to see them out there.

I am starting to rev up the real preparations for the trip. I feel this year I will need to get a few new articles of clothing before I go because some of my old stuff is getting a bit worn out. Shouldn't be too much I hope though...

It is good to be less than a month away from going finally though.

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