Friday, July 22, 2011

Spain Planning

Ok, so I am making my birthday trip this year for Spain and I already had booked the flight before I even flew out to Prague but I had nothing else done. Over the past few evenings I have managed to make some decisions on the itinerary of the trip and book some more.

I have actually booked a flight to Ibiza straight after I land in Madrid. This is an hour long flight to the island that should be about 3 hours after I land. I would have preferred to be closer together but it will probably work out for the best if there are any delays. It really means that first travel day is going to be very long. I realize Ibiza is not an October destination but something about it is calling to me and I figured that was reason enough to book it.  I am staying at Hostal Europa Punico that is cheap but appears to have good ratings from guests for the price and is in a good location until the Wednesday when I will hop back on a plane to Madrid and then stay at the Best Western Atlantico which is a touch more expensive but also has good ratings and is supposed to be in a good location.

I expect I might try to make some day trips out of Madrid while I am there. Well at least one anyway. I am torn between trying to get to Valencia, Seville or Barcelona. I think the first two are more what I would like. A lot of people have said Seville is a really good visit so that might take some weight over Valencia. I haven't done enough research yet to sell me on Barcelona. It is there on name recognition alone. In any event I am going to make those calls later on. I am unlikely to rent a car or buy a rail pass for this trip as I do not think I will do more than one day trip. I can buy one round trip ticket for less than the pass will be I am sure.

I'll be flying home on Halloween this time. I had wished not to but the fact I needed to be home on Halloween to work on November 1st made me do it.  I also didn't want to travel the day after my birthday thus cheapening the day.  So Halloween was my only choice. If I didn't have the schedule issue I would have come home on the first.

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