Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Narita Airport

With just three days to go I figured I'd also post a link to a Narita Airport tourist site. This is where we will be landing when we get to Japan (Conversely it is also where we will depart). There's information about their restaurants and shops there as well as some of the other basic touristy stuff for the airport. Here is the link for the actual Narita Airport site including flight times and the like. This site is a link to the bus line that goes direct to our hotel. We will need 2 hours of bus ride after a wonderful airplane ride to get to the hotel. I can only hope that Sunday traffic is lesser than weekday traffic though I doubt it...

I am basically packed and ready to go already. Just need to get through the rest of the work week.

1 comment:

brienprime said...

Packed? Not yet, got plenty of time left. Still 15 hours or something to go.