Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Colombia 2012 Thoughts

First and foremost I need to mention this was among my favorite vacations. This was of course because of Daniela.

The fears about going to a South American country with a bad reputation in the US were pretty well unfounded. I never felt unsafe the entire time I was there. Colombia is a beautiful country and the people there were all very nice and very helpful.  Admittedly we were mostly in the touristy areas but I do not think that really meant that much. Sure there were obvious signs of poverty in many areas but every country has poverty hidden somewhere.

I really loved the coffee region. It was definitely what I enjoy to do a lot. I would say that was my favorite area of the trip.

The food was very good. I did get a little stomach sick. I blame myself for that but it was nothing really terrible to deal with comparatively to when I got sick in Lima.

I would definitely consider going back though of course I have so many more places to visit in the world.

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