The day started a little bit rainy. Not sure if it is rainy season here or something but it appears we are getting a bit of it. We decided to take it easy in the morning and got breakfast a bit late. With the weather not being great and both of us still being a bit tired from the long travel day the day before we decided to go back to the room for a while and we ended up not coming back out until in the afternoon. We decided to catch a taxi to the center of town and walked around for a while. The center has a stretch of public beach so we go to walk out onto the sand and felt the warm water. It was very pretty but it was also very crowded. Still it was nice out there. After walking the majority of the stretch of beach it started to rain a bit and we turned into the town originally with the intention of visiting the Sol Caribe Centro for its bar, however we didn't find it before it stopped raining and ended up just walking around shopping. Not all of the shops were open since it was Sunday but still most all of them were. Daniela was searching for some luggage. The suitcase she was using during the trip was borrowed from someone else. She had loaned hers to someone and it got destroyed. The one she was borrowing didn't have a top handle. So we found her some luggage in the form of a pink spinner and also a Hello Kitty carry-on (probably meant for children but she is almost short enough to use it as a roller.
After the center we took a cab back to the hotel and ate dinner in the buffet restaurant since we woke up too late to make reservations for the nice restaurants. I had a chicken breast (which was tiny) and some rice and salad. We tried their wines neither of which was much good. As we were finishing dinner a woman came in and said there would be a show upstairs in Showtime above the buffet restaurant at 9:30 and it almost was so we decided to head straight up. The show turned out to be 3 guys playing traditional songs. Two guys played guitar and one played clarinet. Two of them switched off to percussion style instruments for some songs. The two guitarists sang. Overall I liked it but I had difficulty identifying the difference between songs some times as I am not familiar with any of them and have listened to the style only a little. Not speaking Spanish well enough doesn't help either.After the show was over we tried to get to a bar to have some drinks. As soon as we did it started to rain. We had our one drink then decided to head back to the room for the evening. My stomach was giving me a little bit of trouble during the day. Nothing epic, but enough to slow me down.
The pictures from today are found here.
The pictures from today are found here.
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