Today was the first day of class and in keeping with my last trip I am not going to give the gory details of the work day. I will say that I have 6 students: 2 from France though one is from a French island rather than France itself, 1 from Ukraine, one from England, one from Qatar who is actually Lebanese (he knew my last student from Qatar as well) and a Venezuelan woman who now lives in Norway (I know, odd change). I woke up early and got to the office before anyone had arrived by way of not missing any train connections. Of course I didn't have a badge to get in the office so I had to wait outside for a few minutes until someone arrived and I was let in. I still couldn't get into the classroom for several minutes more but eventually was able to do so. Not all of the stuff I needed was there but I was able to get it with some help. They put me in a different classroom to teach this time but I was able to sort out the differences fairly well and the students arrived and class started on time with less issues than my first visit to Belgium. They are still getting lunch from the same place every day. I cannot see how the folks who work there can stand it but they all seem to get lunch there as well. It must be cheap or something...
After class was over I walked to the train and rode back into Brussels Central where I went into the Grand Platz and decided to eat dinner at LeRoy E'Spagne. I sat outside to eat because the weather was really nice. I had a Leffe Brun and their Flemish beef stew. It was reasonably good and filling, though not the best meal I have had in Brussels. After that I got ice cream on the walk back to the hotel at a place named Australian Home Made Ice Cream. I got the moka in a cone. It was very enjoyable. From there I walked the rest of the distance to the hotel and took it easy for the rest of the night. Having to teach really keeps you tied to staying in even when the weather is as nice as it can be. Overall the day went reasonably well considering the circumstances.
The few pictures from today can be found here. Realistically I should have taken a picture of the second classroom but didn't. Maybe tomorrow.
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