Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Belgium May 2011 Day 11

Today was a tough day for the students. I present a lot of information to them in a short amount of time. I know that a lot of it doesn't stick today but will tomorrow so it is for a good cause. My Ukrainian student gave me a gift at the end of the day. I am not sure what to do with genuine Ukrainian vodka though...

After class I rode back into the hotel with intention of trying to get some laundry done but the one machine in the hotel was taken . I had to instead just kill time until I would walk to Andrea's house to have dinner with her and Youssef again. They invited me on our last meeting and since the class was going to have lunch on Thursday instead of a dinner on Wednesday I agreed.  I stopped off at the local store to buy a bottle of wine as a gift. Not being a true officionado I bought a Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon.  I had to leave at around 8:00pm to get to their flat. The walk was very pleasant with some nice things to see along the way. I am not sure I took the best route, but I followed one given by google maps.

 I apparently arrived just as Youssef did which was right on time. They set to work cooking the dinner which consisted of Mussels and French fries. Both were excellently done. They cooked the mussels in broth with white wine. They were very fresh though perhaps she bought too much. I ate a lot so they didn't have to throw too much away. After eating we chatted a while until it was quite late. I left their place at about 11:30 and got back to the hotel after midnight a very tired man.  They were excellent hosts and their flat is probably 4 to 5 times the size of George's apartment in Denmark.

The couple pictures from today can be found here. I didn't take a lot of pictures because it feels like invading in someone's house.

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