Saturday, November 01, 2014

Peru Fall 2014 Day 4

We used up every last minute of the night we paid for in the Egypt room including a morning in the Jacuzzi and the included breakfast.  

After breakfast we checked out and headed to Daniela’s office where she tried to get all the stuff necessary for a Canadian tourist visa but she missed the office to submit to by about 5 minutes and we had to give up on that until we got back from the Amazon.  We decided to have lunch at Che Santiago (it was more of a dinner really by the time we got there).  I had an Argentinian rib eye grill with sausages and salad and French fries.  Daniela had grilled chicken.  The food was excellent.  We shared a bottle of Letters from the End of the World Malbec Shiraz wine.  The wine was also good.

By the time we got back to the office we had to wait only  a few minutes for Edwin to arrive and we went with Donna and he to a bar at the 21st floor of a neighboring building to have a couple drinks. We each had 2 chilcanos and they also ordered some spicy tuna maki sushi as a birthday cake.  It was pretty good.  After we finished we shared a taxi to near their house then got driven to Daniela’s house where we started packing and probably weren’t done until a little past midnight.

The pictures from day 4 are found here.

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