Thursday, May 17, 2012


Kodak Gallery is dying on me in the middle of July and I need to test out Shutterfly where my images will be transferred after Kodak Galleries is gone. I am trying to make sure that I can upload albums and post a reasonable slideshow link in the blog using Shutterfly the same as I used to do in Kodak. That means that when Kodak goes down I will have to wait some amount of time until the pictures are transferred. During that time all my links to albums will be broken. After that I will have to recreate all the album slideshow links.

In the meantime I am going to try to post my cell phone camera pictures of my visit to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.  I did say I was going to post them before but never did.

It does not look near as graceful as the direct link to the slideshow in Kodak but it will have to do.  I am not really crazy about their interface but they do not charge for storage and claim they will never delete images.  I do have over 40 gigs of images out there.

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