Monday, October 10, 2011

Spain in Less than 2 Weeks

While I have been so busy I haven't really had a lot of time to mention things, my Spain trip is less than 2 weeks away. With all I have been doing for work over the summer I'm really looking for the week of freedom.  Granted I will be forced marching all over the place but I find it relaxing.

Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time for extra research either so it will probably fall as a similar trip to the Czech Republic for me in that I will have to wing a lot of what I intend to do.  All the same I am sure I will be able to figure out something. I may take some day trips on my own or find a tour company to take them if that seems cheaper and easier. The difficulty part I am worried about is dinner times which don't start until 8pm at the earliest. It is going to be like on Sicily. I was not terribly happy with that. I will have to eat good lunches I guess. I hope that lunch places are easier to find than in Sicily.

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