Monday, September 04, 2006

My Room

I forgot to mention this in the inital post because I had a pretty full day. I gambled a bit with my room situation in that I suggested I would be willing to share a room. The difference in the cost of the trip was around $500-$600. I don't remember the exact figure. There were a couple potential outcomes. One was that I would end up with some weirdo roommate. Another was that I would have a normal roommate. In either of these instances I'd have lived fine because I wouldn't be spending a ton of time in the room anyway I figured (though a snorer would have sucked).

I did manage however the royal flush in this hand of poker. If I had taken a single room it would have been smaller than the normal rooms. However since I opted to share but the tour didn't have another person to share, I paid the normal tour rate and get a double accommodation room all to myself. Anyway, it's 7:30am and I've got to run out and find breakfast.


Sue Savard said...

Tom - sounds like you are having a great trip! The picture link isn't working (just an fyi). We are dying to see some pictures! Have a good time!

Sue and Gary

Sue Savard said...

P.S. - Gary said don't forget to work on your toast! :-)


Unknown said...

Grats on rolling a natural 20 on getting a double room all to yourself, Tom!



Ulgrod said...

Wow - your curse didn't kick in yet? Dude you are doomed!!!!
